Friday, October 06, 2006

Lorien's First Day of School

Lorien was so excited to hear that she would be starting Kindergarten this year! For many reasons we have made the decision to home school our kids. We haven't decided exactly how long we are going to keep them at home, but at least through grade school, and probably Jr. High also. We have a few years to evaluate and see which road each child should travel. This year we are using the "My Father's World" kindergarten curriculum and adding more Bible and Story Time and Spanish. She loves it almost as much as I love teaching her. We even found a bargain desk for Beren to help keep him occupied. He loves to "do school" too. Monte and I are so thankful to the Lord for all the support He's given through our families and through many friends here in Des Moines. Anyone out there who home schools, I'd love to hear your comments, advice, and encouragement.


Sarah said...

Have been thinking about you lately and wondering how things are going with you guys and the new church. Things around here have been crazy busy (are they ever anything but that?) and we are now in "getting ready for baby!" mode. 4 weeks from Friday is my due date, but I'm hoping to have her early. Preferably between the 23rd and 30th! :) We'll see what happens!

Lothlorien said...

Hey Josh and Sarah!

Good to hear from you. I've finally updated the site. All is well. I need your e-mail address; if you have mine, send me a note. Looking forward to getting your baby news when he/she arrives.
