Saturday, August 16, 2008

Gearing up for school

Well, it's that time of year again. We're starting school on Monday. We've had a good break this summer, but we're all looking forward to getting back into a routine again. Lorien told me yesterday, "Mom, you never read to us anymore." so, I know they're ready for school to start back up! I'm looking forward to it too.

This summer I read a book called: Teaching the Trivium- Christian Homeschooling In a Classical Style. It was another one of those life-altering books. God really used it to remind me why I am homeschooling and what my job is as a parent, training His children. It is a great book to read even if you are not considering using a classical style of education. In fact, I highly recommend that anyone who is homeschooling or thinking about homeschooling read at least the first 3 chapters of this book. I think it's the best scriptural argument for homeschooling that I've ever read.

So, we'll update you as the school year gets underway!


Rhonda said...

Sounds like a great book to get the teacher's heart in the right place and focused for starting school! It is so easy to be like Peter and look at the waves around us instead of at Jesus!

Lothlorien said...

Yes, I'm actually still finishing the book. I'm on chapter 13 of 16. It's a very "heady" book with lots of information-- so it probably takes me longer to read it than it would a smarter person. ;) But, you are right. It has really helped me focus on the purpose of education- knowing God better and developing the gifts He's given us in order to serve Him.