Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School is underway!

Well, the first week and a half of school is behind us. We've had a good start in general, though we are still trying to really get into the swing of things. And, of course, with four children 6 and under, there will always be tweaking to do. Plus, I'm still learning new things as a teacher and constantly adjusting my philosophy on teaching in light of what I'm learning.

Our ideal schedule looks a little fuller than this, but this is what it has ended up as looking like these past few days:

8:30~ breakfast (Vala goes back to bed for morning nap)

9:30 ~All the kids recite memory work (We've been working on Deut 6: 4-9 here at home and yesterday we added Matthew 7: 13-14 since that's their memory verse for church this week)

~Then I read out loud (Little House on the Prairie)

~Lorien practices oral narration as she tells the story back to me

10:30~ Phonics and writing with Lorien or copywork and she reads a bit to me

11:00~Feed Vala and Lorien reads to me or does copywork if she is not done.

~Play time till lunch

Then in the afternoon while the kids are napping, we do piano or math or art. So, things have been mixed and matched quite a bit this first week and a half, but hopefully, we'll soon figure out what is the best general routine and stick with it.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Off to another great year! :) Love the picture ~ especially that smile! Praying that it holds for both the students and the teacher for the year!