Thursday, July 27, 2006

Camping- what are we thinking?!!

Are we crazy or just stupid? Yes, I'm one of those people dumb enough to try camping (in tents) with two little kids and a baby. Well, believe it or not, I actually enjoy it. It's great to be outside around nature, and it's impossible not to think about the majesty of God when you're looking into a night full of stars. Monte humors me and agrees to one camping trip per year.

This year we were invited to camp with our good friends, the Petsche's, at Red Rock Lake for the weekend. Here's the synopsis: We got lost on the way there, arriving with barely enough light to set up our three tiny tents (cuz that's all we own). Nienna didn't go to sleep until 11:30pm, but all three kids were up bright and early with the light (the sun wasn't actually up yet) at 5:00am. Lorien asked a million questions and learned why outhouses don't have "flushing handles", why we don't litter, why spiders crawl on tents, why we don't run around the fire (her explanation: because we might die!), and why we don't hit our brother.

Saturday breakfast was a gourmet meal. By the way, though it sounds gross, pancakes cooked in bacon grease are actually quite tasty. The kids had an absolute blast on Saturday! They made Carolyn and I many a "flower" bouquet. Beren's were mostly made of grass and dirt. By mid morning, it was HOT! Unfortunately, we'd picked the hottest weekend of the summer. We all decided to go for a swim in the lake. Our kids are . . . well . . . clumsy. So, they each took turns slipping, going under, and having to be rescued by Mommy or Daddy. After Nienna had, had enough of the beach, we headed back for lunch. Later that afternoon, we decided that it was just too darn hot, so we headed in to Pella for some ice cream and air-conditioning at Dairy Queen.

So, for those who know what I'm talking about, it was a lot like "hobo breakfast" everything "went wrong", but it was still so fun! I'd do it all over again! And, we probably will . . . next year.


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