Saturday, July 08, 2006

Kids at Grandpa and Grandma's House

We had fun at Monte's parents' house over the 4th of July weekend. The kids (especially Beren) had fun splashing in a little pool and playing with their cousin, Bree. We got to see Great Grandpa and Grandma Rikli, play with aunts and uncles, and take a trip into Elmwood to visit Great Grandpa and Grandma Miller. The rest of the time was spent enjoying Grandma's cooking and hearing many a good story from Grandpa. They didn't want to leave. As we drove out of town, we got to see all the fireworks going off in Lincoln. Praise God for a nation where we are still free to worship Him without persecution! God bless America!

1 comment:

Bluebird49 said...

And GOd bless YOU for saying that!! We rarely hear anyone saying God bless ANYTHING in this country anymore!! I'm so thankful, too, for all the freedoms that we have, even though so many of them are being threatened right now. I pray for my son and my 2 grandsons, that God will protect them, and all of us from more wars and rumours of them!!