Saturday, July 08, 2006

Welcome to the Miller Family Blog!

We just put this together today, so sorry for the messiness (we're not too good at it yet). But, this way family and friends can see what's going on in our lives and not feel so cut off (since we're way the heck out here in Des Moines, IA). :) We hope all of you are doing well. Write us a note and tell us how you're doing if you have time. Hope you enjoy!


Sarah said...

Thanks for the encouragement yesterday, Galadriel...have a great week!

Noah Braymen said...

Monte and Galadriel...

You're blog is great! Fun to see all those pics:) Galadriel...thank you for the blessing you are to the women in our ABF!

Your blog will be fun to track!

In Christ

Lothlorien said...

Thanks for all the feedback! Sarah, been praying for you. Shana, can't wait to see your blog sight. I'll check it out tomorrow when you're done. :)